Maryn has said some funny things lately that I haven't recorded. Also, I wanted to ask your opinions on something that really bothered me yesterday.
About a month, or so, ago, Glenn was giving Maryn her bath and we had run out of her body wash. So, Glenn decided to use his body wash to wash her. She was quite upset by this and tried to argue that it was boy soap. I walked in and asked what all the fuss was about and this is what she told me:
"Daddy used the boy soap on me and now I smell like trash!"
Glenn and I started laughing! She wasn't happy until I promised her that she could use my lotion after her bath. Then she said, "Aaah, now I smell like a girl again!"
The other thing she said was on Sunday morning. We were getting ready for church and she came to me with one shoe on, too lazy to look for the other one. Glenn told her, "Come on, Maryn, help me look for the other one."
And she told him, "Dad, we're not on a safari! You have to go on a safari if you want to look for stuff."
The other thing that happened is what bothered me.
Yesterday I took Maryn to her kindergarten vaccinations and check-up. She's 4 1/2. The doctor told me that she was below average for height and overweight. She weighs 40 lbs. The doctor told me to put her on a low-fat, low sodium diet. I was in shock. I feel like I've been very careful with making sure my kids aren't overweight. I asked the nurse what she should weigh at this age and she said 32 lbs. That sounds really low for a girl going on 5. I went home and checked the charts for myself and 38 lbs. is average for her age! What's your opinion? I have never looked at my daughter and seen her as having weight issues, but now I'm paranoid that I'm not seeing something!
9 years ago
not at all!! that's nuts. moma weighs 33 lbs and she's two!!!
did the doctor say what percentile the height and weight are? moma is 95th for both so even though she's huge, she's proportioned. i guess it would depend on the height and weight percentiles to me. but still i would not look at maryn and think she's overweight at all! maybe she's just solid. don't worry about it. try not to feed her junk food like you already do and tell the doctor to shove it.
They said she's 47% for height and 67% for weight.
then, no, i would not be worried at all. i think you need to switch doctors honestly. i would be upset by that. she's 4!!! and those percentiles are just fine. if it was like 30th for height and 80th for weight, i would be concerned. but a 20% difference is nothing and she could be geting ready to go through a growth spurt. your doctor sounds a little paranoid to me.
Maeli's 28 pounds! I can't imagine how Maryn would look if she were 32! Your doctor is retarded. Maryn is a typical healthy little girl, who is way cute. Don't even worry about it.
Like I said before that doctor is a quack!!! Love Maryn's little sayings she cracks me up! Boys do smell like trash!
DO NOT put that girl on a diet. Can you imagine the issues she would have in the future if she started dieting at 4! She's probably just built solidly. Just make sure she stays active and has healthy food options to add into her diet. That doctor is nuts!
I wouldn't worry about it. My boys have all been underweight and now look at Serious Man. He is as tall as I am 5'2" and weighs over 100 pounds. I think all children vary and as long as she isn't off the charts then I don't see any reason to worry.
You've already had some great replies. I would never think that Maryn needed to be put on a diet. That's just crazy! Especially if her percentiles are that proportionate to each other. Its not like she's 5% for height and 95% for weight.
She's a sweetie! I love her "Now I smell like trash" comment!!
Thanks for all of your support. It means a lot to me! I think I will switch doctors.
Amen to everything! Maryn is beautiful and perfect just how she is!
I don't know what normal is, but my son weighs 30 pounds and he's two so I would imagine that 40 pounds at 4 1/2 is perfectly fine. I'm surprised they made such a big deal out of it especially at 67% for weight. Seems a little out there to me.
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