This past year has been wonderful, difficult, and quite a learning experience.
I over-extended myself beyond what I was capable of and it came back to bite me. But, I have learned to prioritize and also endure harsh criticism. I feel like I have grown.
There are so many lessons I am meant to learn and the funny thing is not even knowing I need to learn them. I am amazed when a situation arises out of obscurity, completely blindsides me, causes heartbreak, and then miraculously teaches me. My eyes have been opened to so much. I feel that I can see more clearly and I am more open to empathy.
I have lost faith and trust in people that I thought I couldn't live without, and I survived. Almost unbearable pain, sleepless nights crying alone in the dark, hopelessness, loneliness, and grief, gave way to a new kind of happiness. I learned to turn inward, trust my husband and kids more. I finally learned that my little family is enough. And, they are glorious. And I am grateful.
Starting this blog again, I feel like a new person. I don't know how it will turn out, but it will be real. Take me as I am.