We have two new guinea pigs! (Once again, the pictures will have to wait!) They are two females and sooo sweet! We had promised Maryn one for her birthday and Charles was ready for a new one, too. They were the only two females in the store and it worked out because they are both young and already bonded. They talk to each other and chirp and sing! It's the cutest thing ever! Maryn's is albino with pink eyes- she thinks they're so beautiful! She is so timid and gentle and always needs the other one to lead the way. She has tons of wild white fur so Maryn decided to call her Snowball. She added a middle name today, Unicorn. (Originally she was Sally Sue White.) Charles had a hard time when I told him we were getting 2 females because he really wanted a boy, but he loved Squeaky as soon as he held her! She has short smooth fur and is very curious about everything! She's now Squeaky Colors because she has 3 colors.
For those of you that don't know why I didn't just get 2 males, there's a few reasons. The males fight each other, sometimes bloody biting fights to establish dominance and also they can rumble strut- spray each other with semen which I would have to clean up and cut out of their fur! Gross! The females get along with each other almost always and don't do gross guy stuff!
I wish I could post the pictures! They really are sweet! Crazy always liked to attack us and bite and scratch and we loved him anyway, but these girls are so mellow and gentle! It's so refreshing for the kids to be able to hold them without me wrapping them like a mummy first! (The guinea pigs, I mean.)
9 years ago
I guess guinea pig males are just like human males. I'm not even joking, things can get ugly when two guys share living quarters. Tell the kids hello from us. We all are having withdrawls. I love you guys so much. I loved having so much time with you guys, but now I miss you so much more. Can't wait to see the pictures. I think I have an extra cord around somewhere. I'll try to find it for you. Happy Day!
So fun! I'm glad they both have one now, and really glad they can actually cuddle them. We'll have to see them sometime.
It is so great that they each have a pet now! I am SO glad that you opted for 2 females- I for one do not like gross guy stuff! Loved the post!
I am excited for you guys!
...see you tomorrow.
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