Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hello Again!!

I'm soo sorry that I haven't posted in a while! It seems that things have been so busy! We had a great week-end! On Friday we got our taxes done and that was a nice surprise. After that, Glenn went to work and I got to take the kids to Disneyland!!

I have to thank my friend "R" and her husband for inviting us!! I had called her that morning because the kids had no school and I wanted to know if she was going to our ward park day so that I could drop off the kids while we got our taxes done. She had already made plans to go to D-Land with her sister-in-law, "E". That's when her husband offered us free tickets!! I was so surprised and excited!! Needless to say, the day was so fantastic! Charles ended up spending the whole day glued to "E's" daughter "Ve". The kids got to do everything they wanted to- even ice cream. I ended up staying with the kids until 11:15pm!

The next day the kids were up at 6:15am. Charles had baseball practice at 11:00 and I took Maryn to Superstar's birthday party. It was so fun! Because of scheduling conflicts, we missed the Easter Egg Hunt, but we were there for the important things like lunch, cake and presents! Superstar's cousin ended up sharing some of her Easter eggs with Maryn which was so nice, thank you "A"!

After that was a ward baptism that I was leading the music for. Glenn had to go to work so I had to get the kids dressed and over to the Stake center. Three of our Primary kids were baptized! We left there and went to our ward party. I changed the kids in the car. The party was fun and I ended up selling almost all of the candy bars for Charles' baseball team!! Yeah!

The next day we got to go to the Jenkin's for Sunday dinner. I have to say, this is something we really love to do! Not only is the food always great, the kids love it there! I even made a jello salad that turned out fine! Since most of our family has moved away, it's been so nice to spend time with people that we've grown to love and it means so much to us to be welcomed in their home.

So, that's just a little of what's been going on with us!!


GreathouseMom said...

i cannot vote on your poll. i need the none of the above box to check!!

Ronda said...

I love having you guys around!
I think a great friend is a treasure and I enjoy the moments that make friendships stronger.
I also love seeing Amy & Maryn becoming such great friends. That's one thing I want for my little girl- to have great friends.
I treasure your frienship!

Teri said...

Are those pics take on Tom Sayer Island? I heard they have a pirate area now. Our kids are so excited for our trip in Sept. And so are their parents!