Sunday, June 15, 2008

Genius Children?

I wanted to share a couple of things that my kids have said recently that had me wondering, "Could they be geniuses?":

Charles was admiring his guinea pig when he said, "Mom, I think he's going to be living the rest of his life."

While we were in the car, Maryn made up a new game!:
Maryn: "Charles, let's play the Color Game!"
Charles: "OK"
Maryn: "What color is red?"
Charles: "Red."
Maryn: "You're right!"
"What color is purple?"
Charles (with a chuckle): "Purple."
Maryn: "Good job, Charles!"
(And the game continued on...)

It's times like these that can really get a mother excited about her children's future!


Cory said...

that's so funny. i love it. they come up with the silliest things.

Vivian said...

I love hearing the conversations my boys have also. They really have some interesting ones.

BubbaandM said...

How funny! I love to hear those kinds of stories. Children have such a creative imagination.

Jon and Sarah Jackson Family said...

I could totally picture it. Mikayla has had her moments of genious as well. It just makes me so proud. :)

Ronda said...

Love the new look of your blog!

Laurel R. G. said...

Cute kids!! :D

Teri said...

I could totally win the color game! How cute!

Melanie said...

Cute post and I love the new look of your blog? By the way, how do you get the option to have the time of the last post for all of your blog reads? (Did that even make sense??)