Monday, March 23, 2009

Charles' Good Day!!

Today when I picked up Charles from school, his teacher told me that he was the fastest runner in the class when they did their 3 lap run! She also said that he got 100% on his Language test and won their class spelling bee!! I am so happy for him! He is such a talented boy and I'm glad it shines through sometimes!


Mindy said...

He is the most awesomest kid ever!!! We love him so much! So glad he was the shining star today!

Melanie said...

I love hearing good things from my kids' teachers!! It's nice to know they are good for someone! haha!

Jaime said...

It is really nice to hear great things about your children! Charles was really sweet and asked me if he could give Jeremy his old bat he wasn't using anymore. I just wanted to kiss his little cheeks! He's such a giver.