Thursday, January 31, 2008

Naked Lady!

For those of you that know where I live, you know that we have some sort of half-way house across the street. This is good for housing people that like to watch every move we make, look inside our garage every time we open it, break into our neighbor's car, sing in the middle of the street, and generally anyone who likes to be creepy and stare at people. Well, today I got home from grocery shopping and saw the mailman putting the mail in their mailbox with a completely NAKED woman talking to him!! She had a shaved head. So, I came in and told Glenn and he went out to talk to the creepy men that thought it was funny! I called the GGPD. So, can any of you top that?!


Mindy said...

Okay, one night I was coming home, when I lived in Midway City, and I saw a naked lady. It was about 2a.m. She was I guess a "working girl". She was entertaining her "client" right there on the sidewalk. So how long was the naked "Britney" wannabe hanging out. Hey, maybe it was her.

Cory said...

that's nuts!! i'm just gald glenn was home!! that's scary!! and right in the middle of the day??? what the heck!!!

Vivian said...

I completely forgot you also had a halfway house near you. Wow, and I thought our neighbors were crazy. Your's are crazier than mine.

Rebecca said...

Hey Jamie. I've been reading your blog, thought I'd better leave a comment. You guys should move out to Maricopa, AZ with Christa and I. Get away from the halfway house!

Jaime said...


Cherish said...

Umm, soooo glad my husband is not a mailman. Eww.